CSS - Look in the future

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CSS - Look in the future

Post by cube3j » Thu Jan 23, 2020 7:30 am

Dear MGM AMC Support

In the Master Classes at position 1:17:00 there is an explanation about the future of a disease.
On the first line the value is going up 1% (0.448 to 0.447) after 10 years.
On the second line wim say that there is more stress during the 1-2-3 first years and after it's going up !!! For me the values are always going up in the virtual model 0.471 , 0.491, 0.509, 0.524, 0.581
Could you explain me why it is more stressful in the first 1-2-3 years and less after ?

Secondly, does it mean for the first line "CHRONIC RELAPSING PANCREATIS" that as the body is compensating the disease for the next years, I don't have to care about it ?

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Re: CSS - Look in the future

Post by MetaGrandmaster » Thu Jan 23, 2020 9:26 am

Going up means .... up to the level of 1.000 the balance level

And look at the CSS , its the most important

The graph will go DOWN to level 2

And form 1 line

Later a straight line

Then you have reached the perfect state
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Nada Kuzmin (Thu Jan 23, 2020 10:40 am)
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Amitābha, Mahasthamaprapta, Guanyin. Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī

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Re: CSS - Look in the future

Post by cube3j » Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:42 pm

Thanks for your answer, I'm not sure to understand but I'm going to spend time on it.

I have a second question always on the MasterClasses 1
At 1:48:00 of the video, Wim is speaking about the Phytotherapy and he say that we have to be very careful when we do a vegeto test as the body is affected during this test.
He shows the vegeto test ( with SALVIA OFFICINALIS) with a strenghtening of 49% and the Phytotherapy (by clicking on the image) with a strenghtening of 50%.
So I wonder why doing a Phytoterapy which allow to get 1% more if the vegeto test do nearly all the job (49%).
What the difference between the 2 treatments.

And is it the good topic to ask these kind of questions ? (maybe it can annoy the members)

Jean Jacques

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Re: CSS - Look in the future

Post by cube3j » Tue Feb 18, 2020 6:30 pm

Hello MetaMaster

Sorry to come back on a previous question but after watching the video sequence (Master Classe video at position 1:19:00) 10 times i don't understand something about the CSS interpretation.

My question was :

You say that there is more stress during the first 1-2-3 years and after it's going up !!! For me the CSS values are always going up in the virtual model
when you click on the first column of the second line (CHRONIC SCLEROTIC PANCREATITIC))
Start from 0.447 (CSS the virtual model)
First year = 0.471
Second year = 0.491
and so on for the next years 0.509, 0.524, 0.581
Could you explain me why it is more stressful in the first 1-2-3 years and less after ?

Your answer was :
Going up means .... up to the level of 1.000 the balance level
And look at the CSS , its the most important
The graph will go DOWN to level 2
And form 1 line
Later a straight line

At this moment of the video you speak of the CSS virtual model values not the graphs.
(and due to the resolution of the video it is not possible to see anything on the graph)

As you say in the Master class, it is a very important thing to understand the CSS and i wouldn't like to miss something.

Thanks a lot for your help
Jean Jacques
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Re: CSS - Look in the future

Post by Andreas » Wed Feb 19, 2020 9:38 am

Hello dear Jean Jacques,
I'll answer your question from my own personal experience: the CSS are very important if you are working on an acute or chronic thing. They give you information about the status quo and the possibility to compare and address your Remedies or Metatherapy or Physotheratpy, Litho, ... whatever you do (with or without NLS)
Forget the "future" the software has been developed and improved over many decades (by WIM among others) and a look into the future may have been an interesting option of the development potential of a disease or symptom for some freaks and may have been included because of that.
In the end you have two states of NLS therapies: scanning (which gives an impulse to the cell(s) at the same time) and impulse giving (in metatherapy). This is where the greatness of NLS works and all software from Hunter to Biophilia and 8D works equally well. The machine sends the right impulses! Healing is the result of recurring "right" impulses. That is why 24/7 is so important and effective on the whole system.
Yesterday I successfully averted a budding sore throat with Hunter in combination with Murgee Script. I treated the tonsils and the back of the throat and the cervical lymph each about 50 times with Meta-Therapy. Successfully.... Looking at CSS before and after might have provided some information.... Personally I was not interested in it at that moment, because it helped ;) NLS is already a high power application technique. Personally I find CSS interesting if you do remedies or do cause study.
Greetings from your country neighbour,

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Re: CSS - Look in the future

Post by MetaGrandmaster » Wed Feb 19, 2020 9:52 am

Dear Jean.

I did NOT say " there is more stress during the first 1-2-3 years and after it's going up" ......... :oops:

I did say , you can SEE the years to come from 1 to 10 and look into the future of the developments

And you can see IN WHAT YEAR a change becomes

And up till what YEAR the body can do it by itself, without any influencing .....

The CSS are the MOST IMPORTANT .... and together with the graph, the REAL source of information and controll

All must come ABOVE 1.000 preferable above 1.500

The graph: important are

The gap between the red and blue line, provide an answer on what problem
The red and blue lines will become 1 line , in time , this means, positive developments
The red and blue lines will go DOWN to the level between 2 and 3, this is a 100% positive archievement

Finally, when the red + blue line are at the level 2, NEW BORN situation is created

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Amitābha, Mahasthamaprapta, Guanyin. Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī

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Re: CSS - Look in the future

Post by cube3j » Wed Feb 19, 2020 10:30 am

Hello Wim
In the attachment file i understand something else.
But globally i undestand what you mean and how to combine the history, the CSS values and the graphs. it's clear.

Have good day
Jean Jacques
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Re: CSS - Look in the future

Post by Andreas » Wed Feb 19, 2020 10:49 am

I just completed my statement from above and replaced an ambiguous sentence. Thanks Wim and Jean for your exciting dialogue

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Re: CSS - Look in the future

Post by Andreas » Wed Feb 19, 2020 10:52 am

just now I had a nice inspiration: NLS is like positive thinking - laugh. Good Vibes!! Made by the device :)

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Re: CSS - Look in the future

Post by MetaGrandmaster » Wed Feb 19, 2020 11:00 am

Dear Jean,

Yes .... in this particular case .....

But generally you have to look at ' THE CHANGE ON TOP > VIRTUAL MODEL <

So the CSS subject line and compare it to the virtual model


Amitābha, Mahasthamaprapta, Guanyin. Mahā Karuṇā Dhāranī

SMILE EVERY DAY .... And have a wonderfull time coming !

All diseases are Parasitic - Genetic - Curse - Home Electra - fault/lackage of Biocommmunication System of body :idea:
Use the FREE ISHA cure - Ionic Detox - ISHA Multi Power Zapper - Colloidal Silver - dr Clark Tincture - DHEA - DMSO -
Dr. Logols Iodine + Iodide :idea:
And the POWERFULL *Grandmasters Longevity Tonicum 31 :ugeek:

Analyze and take Controll with your;
ISHA 3D-8 Plus - ISHA 8D Virus Expert Pro - ISHA DNA Expert Pro - ISHA 8D Powerfull AURA Commandments

But most important ! Study The ISHA Apprentice Masters Classes and know more than any specialist does.

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