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Aura System - Chakra and Meridian systems

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2023 1:46 pm
by sabc

Hello ISHA Family,

I've been using my Hunter and Aura, using mainly the Black Box for the past 3 months or so.
I have a few questions to ask which I haven't been able to get answers by looking through the forum or through the Masterclasses.

On the Aura system, when looking at the Chakras and the Meridian Systems, would these be inverted or not? I assumed not because they are systems, but then I had a doubt because you are working on a blockage or a deficiency. Example if working on the Crown chakra with 'Inability to concentrate' or 'intracranial hypertension' comes up, would you invert these?
If working on the meridians and for example the stomach comes up in red, would you invert this or not?

Again in the Aura:
If a number of treatments come up as options and they are tested (Vegetotest) and you have 4 or 5 remedies that show strengthening, some 30%, some 40% and some 50%, do you choose the one that gives you the highest strengthening compensation or can you use all of them, as the nidus of defeat is different?

Has anyone experienced feedback that when working on a client (in my case using the BB and with 3 clients), that the day you start the treatment, that day the client feels a little worse, but then stabilises after a day or 2 and then continues to improve? This is an observation and wondered if it was a co-incidence or if anyone has had the same feedback.

Thank you,

Re: Aura System - Chakra and Meridian systems

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 2:16 pm
by sabc

Thank you for the advise on the supplements. I will add the Ginkgo Biloba to the list.
They have done the Free Isha Cure - I saw good changes with the Virus program once they started on the Free Isha Cure.
I will look again at the Metatron Hunter and work on the blood and the spleen. The only concern that came up on the heart in the Hunter was the conductive system :?

Re: Aura System - Chakra and Meridian systems

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 3:40 pm
by jaspersneek

Hi all,

I just wanted to reply on multiple DNA samples in the BB.
I do this a lot myself and particularly in the weekends I run various programs on all my clients. I do target specific areas like:

  • immune system, blood, lymp etc
  • depower bacteria
  • universal rehabilitation
  • mitochondrions and all parts like ATP, uracil, adenine, lysosomes etc...
    In these cases I scan all of them in one profile (bloodgroup ?) and treat for the whole weekend.
    Only once I had a client who had a bad reaction in a weekend treatment and never saw him again (maybe he ate something wrong I dont know)

Also I do all night treatments for people who have similar problems but in this case I use only one client profile and just put other DNA in the box. It is my experience that all in the box benefit from combined treatments. Next to that all my clients get weekly specific treatments with the hunter program.

Im not sure if I can do anything wrong in the way I work but so far I get good results.

The other thing I find very important is to make all clients more aware of "the law of frequencies" where besides bioresonance we are all subject to many frequencies. Internal thoughts and feelings as wel as external influences like nature, people, anumals, food, radiation etc..

To realise deeply that all have a influence on our life and health gives us the opportunity to adjust our lifestyle for the better and to me thats where the biggest treasure lies. Awareness is knowledge that (hopefully) leads to change so there is more emphasis to our self-healing capability.

To support these changes I like to make mantras which I test with the aura commandments feature. When they have a significant empowering effect I ask them to write them down on a note and stick it on the fridge. Then read the mantra out as much as they want and feel the changes in the body. If you are sensitive to it you can feel the shivers through your spine. The words combined do not only have a healing effect but can (if well chosen) motivate the person to modify its behavior for the better hence attract more beneficial frequencies in their lives.

I would like to call this "self induced bio resonance"

Not sure what you guys think of my methods but please feel free to give me some feedback, I would like that, thanks!

Have a great weekend!